数字化转型专题讨论会:《驾驭数字化转型 增强发展实力》
数字化转型专题讨论会《驾驭数字化转型 增强发展实力》于2018年3月26日,上午9时至下午5时,在新加坡管理大学法律学院的新大礼堂举行。专题讨论会由新加坡管理大学、世界科技出版集团以及南洋理工大学高等研究所联办,由新中友协、新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局、Bcoin与《联合早报》协办,吸引了400多名中小企业主、学生和学者参加。

讨论会邀请了多位知名企业家、学者出席,包括:中国国家大数据专业委员会秘书长彭铁元, 阿里云研究中心主任田丰,德勤亚太区投资管理领袖秦谊,天云融创数据科技(北京)有限公司首席执行官雷涛,德勤东南亚创新部主任Samuel Cammis,新加坡管理大学研究生研究项目院长邓慧杰教授, 新加坡管理大学李光前商学院耿雪松副教授以及新加坡管理大学信息系统系朱飞达副教授。

Digital Transformation Seminar - Digital Transformation be Empowered
On 26th March 2018, from 9.00am to 5.00pm, the digital transformation seminar, themed Digital Transformation be Empowered, was successfully held at the School of Law of Singapore Management University. The Seminar was jointly organized by Singapore Management University, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd and the Institute of Advanced Studies of Nanyang Technological University. SCFA was one of the supporting units. The Seminar attracted more than 400 participants including businessmen from small and medium-sized enterprises, students, researchers etc.

The Seminar featured famous entrepreneurs and researchers, including Mr Peng Tieyuan (Secretary General, China Big Data Professional Committee), Mr Ben Tian (Diretor, Alibaba Cloud Research Centre), Mrs Jennifer Qin (Asia Pacific Investment Management Leader, Deloitte Asia Pacific), Mr Lei Tao (Chief Executive Officer, Beagle Data Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd), Mr Samuel Cammis (Director of Innovation, Deloitte Southeast Asia), Prof Robert Deng (Dean, Postgraduate Research Programmes, Singapore Management University), Dr Geng Xuesong (Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University) and Dr Zhu Feida (Academic Director of Pinnacle Lab for Analytics Singapore Management University).