《天涯共此时 之 雅音追月》 — 2017新中中秋佳节文艺联谊会

以《天涯共此时 之 雅音追月》为主题的联谊会,于当晚7时在中国文化中心四楼剧场拉开帷幕。中国驻新加坡大使馆临时代办房新文公参及新中友协副会长黄锦西分别致辞。本次活动特别邀请了河南博物院华夏古乐团的古琴大师罗苏理、笛箫演奏家贺小帅,以及远道而来的五位中国杰出青年华乐演奏家--徐砚霞、魏菀、刘嘉馨、徐琳琳、朱江阳,与本地著名华乐演奏家张彬、尹群、徐帆、周俊如和傅慧敏等,携手呈献悦耳动听的华乐曲目,以一场音乐盛宴来庆贺中秋,一同雅音追月。



A Place in Time: Chasing the Moon — Singapore-China Chinese Instrumental Music Exchange Concert 2017
To celebrate the annual Mid-Autumn Festival, SCFA and Singapore China Culture Centre co-organized a concert named A Place in Time: Chasing the Moon at the concert hall of China Culture Centre, on 7th October 2017.

The Concert commenced at 7pm. Mr Fang Xinwen, the Chinese Embassy's Charge d'affaires, Mr Ung Gim Sei, SCFA Vice President delivered opening speeches separately.

Among the performance team, 5 experts from China, including famous guqin master Mr Luo Suli and xiao musician Mr He Xiaoshuai, were invited to jointly present their solo and ensemble with local instrumentalists and won warm applause from time to time.

Aside from Mr Fang Xinwen and Mr Ung Gim Sei, officials from the Chinese Embassy, SCFA Vice Presidents, committee members, members and guests from local clans, associations around 250 people graced the event.

In conjunction with the Concert, on 6th October, a small musical concert by the invited famous guqin master Mr Luo Suli and xiao musician Mr He Xiaoshuai, jointly held by SCFA, Chinese Heritage Centre (NTU), was successfully held at the Chinese Heritage Centre and attracted more than 80 audiences.