
牛教授首先介绍汕头大学自1981年创始以来的丰硕成果。与其他国内公立大学不同,汕头大学由校董会领导,成功引领了许多改革,力求在管理、教学上做到与国际接轨。承此,牛教授重点介绍新建立的广东以色列理工学院合作项目。2013年9月,汕头大学与世界顶尖的以色列理工学院签署合作备忘录,成立"广东以色列理工学院"(Guangdong Technion)。2015年获教育部批准筹办,2016年12月正式获准设立广东以色列理工学院,通过引入和借鉴以色列理工学院"知识三角"模式,注重建立教育、研究和创新三方面活动所产生的协同优势,打造科技发展引擎和孵化器,通过快速的产学研转化平台(中以创新产业园),把科研成果转化为生产,成就区域社会创新创业生态系统的重要支撑力量。


PublicTalk - Shantou University and the Newly Established Guangdong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology
On Friday afternoon, 24th February 2017, SCFA, the Institute of Advanced Studies, (NTU), Chui Huay Lim Club and Federations of Chinese School Alumni Associations organized a Talk on the achievements of Shantou University (STU) and the newly established Guangong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT). The speaker was Prof Niu Xiaodong, Head of Department of Mechatronics Engineering in Shantou University. SCFA President Phua Kok Khoo chaired the Talk.

Prof Niu introduced the achievements of STU since its founding in year 1981. Unlike other public universities in China, STU was led by the University Council and had spearheaded a series of reformations, in pursuit of gearing up international connections with overseas in both academic and administrative areas. In September 2013, STU signed a cooperative agreement with the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, in setting up the GTIIT. The proposal was approved by the Ministry of Education in year 2015, and kick started the foundation ceremony in December 2016. The joint institution will import the Technion model into China, focus on creating synergy among education, research and innovation sectors, and hence to boost the technology development, and to speed up the transformation from education and research area into production. The Talk attracted more than 120 audiences.